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Divine's Sims 3 Border Collie Encyclopedia
A - Loci
The A Loci you can't see when the Dog have a Kk, Kkbr, or a KK on the K Loci. This Dog have this genes, but he can't show this.
And I will say. (this was my error) this dog have no AA gene. when the dog is Black + Irish White, he have the aa gene or one of the A Loci gens
with a KK, Kkbr or Kk from the K Loci.
The Border Collie can have this geneson the A Loci:
AyAy - Sable
Ayas - Sable carried Saddle
Ayat - Sable carried Tan Points
Aya - Sable carried reccessive black
asas - Saddle Pattern
asat - Saddle carried Tan Points
asa - Saddle carried reccesive black
atat - Tan Points
ata - Tan Points carried recessive black
aa - reccessive black (very rare by the Border Collies) this means the dog have no sable, no Tan points and no Saddle ;)
Example for Sable
Example for Saddled
Examples for Tan Points
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