Divine's Sims 3 Border Collie Encyclopedia
S - Loci
This Loci is for the White Patterns.
SS - no white or a spot on the cheest and/or tail and/or paws (rare in the Border Collie Breed)
Ssi - no white, carried Irish White
Ssp - no white, caried Piebald
Ssw - no white carried Extreme Piebald
sisi - the typical Border Collie Irish White.
sisp - Irish White carried Piebald
sisw - Irish White carried Extreme Piebald
spsp - Piebald
spsw - Piebald carried Extreme Piebald
swsw - Extreme Piebald (can have healthy problems) mostly white with colors on the head and perhabs a little bit on the back or side.
by the sisi/sisp/sisw/spsp/spsw/swsw genes can the dog have a splitface or a white head (the ears have color)
mostly is this when the dog have sisp or sisw or the piebalds :)
White is over all Layers. only the Ticked Spots you can see over white